Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's like crack

Some people can say that they never drank before they met their partner and then they become full blown drunks. Some may say that they never used fabric softener and now cannot live without that extra soft feeling. In my house my husband is addicted to Rosebud Salve.  I have been buying it for years and use it for pretty much everything.  It works as a lip balm, can make your lids look shiny and also tames those scary Uncle Morty eyebrow hairs that look like they could reach out and grab someone. (you know, the wonky ones that are kind of curvy) If you use it on your lids you can add a light shimmery powder and it is straight up Diana Ross 1983.  My husband uses this every night on his lips and although he is not especially girly he turns into a cranky PMS 12 year old girl who just found out Justin Bieber is gay when we are out.  One tin of this lasts a long time so that rarely happens.


  1. I love the rose salve that you gave me that was from Bath and Body works, a store I typically hate. Where do you get this?
