Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Higher The Hair The Closer to God

I am not going to sugar coat it, the sleek hair of the early 2000's were not fun for me. Every time I would get my hair done they would flat iron it and I would look like an escapee from a mental institution who was only allowed a cup of water to wash my hair for fear that I would drown in it. How I craved the big hair of the 80's! I really tried to resist letting my hair get super big so as to not look like someone who was stuck in a Bruce Springsteen song still loving high school. (which I didn't, high school was a perpetual bad hair day)

So now all bets are off and what a relief it is. I can let my big hair freak flag fly and it feels fabulous. (please ignore the fact that my hair is chin length)  For a little extra va-va-voom I have found this lovely bottle of serum which is sure to make your hair be thick and full. It is from Bumble and Bumble and is called (really) Thickening Serum.  A little of this everyday is what you need to give you a winning coif.  Be patient as it can take a few weeks to see the difference.  Next thing you know someone will be saying "love your hair, hope it wins." And we all want to be winning, duh.

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