Sunday, June 19, 2011

Like sand through the hourglass, so is the scrub of your life

I recently had a humongous bout of depression when I realized that I could not afford the Clarisonic Pro super duper scrubber that Sephora keeps cruelly promoting in a way that makes me want to go all Patty Hearst on their ass and get me some cash so that I too can partake in the marvy scrub of my life. I mean really, the price has dropped a bit but last I looked it was about 160ish.  I did what any down and out poor person addicted to makeup does in these situations, I headed to Target. At first I thought I would go with the Oil of Olay knock off scrubber for 29.99 but then I noticed the Booth section and thought, what do I have to lose? 

 I have been intrigued by the Boots line for a while (my sister raved about the eyeliner which I tried, not so hot in my book) but  I thought I would throw caution to the wind and use up the 16.00 dollars I had in checking account to try out their No 7 Micro Dermabrasion Exfoliator for a mere 14.99. Let me tell you something, this is some awesome stuff. A little dime size is all you need to get the effects of this product. The scrubbers remind me of the super fine sand you find on the nicer beaches.  I scrubbed a dub dub and the results were outstanding. My skin was super soft and it definitely gave me a glow.  It made me feel super clean and there was no tacky residue.  Check it out if you need a fresh start and are wanting a good deal. Or feeling depressed, I am telling you it is better than Zoloft.

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